Saturday, April 15, 2006

Free Slideshow of Kniesers

Here is a quick slide show of us that I posted on "Flickr" (CLICK THE PICTURE). Its a nice site that lets you upload for free. I highly recomend. I am also looking to make a flash slideshow, so that when you click on it, it plays in the same spot like the movie. I'll get it...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Well, Im going to work

I may end up calling you, so be nice. I survey people for a variety of companies. To tell the truth I am not told what company I am working for so I do not bias anyones opinion. We call on a random nuber dialer, so that is how I may call you. We also are not subject to do not call list because we are not selling anything. But i can remove you "IF" you say the magic words. "I am on the do not call list" thats it... simple... but for my sake just be nice. Well here I go, talk to ya soon.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Bigfoot Caught on tape

Click here or the image above.
This was a project that my wife and I made for school. This is just a quick version because I was excited to get it on the blog. Sooo this is my quick version and she will be making a better one for her class.
p.s. if you watch close after it says "NIGHT" You will see bigfoot walking behind the tree. We made it using photoshop and WindowsMovie Maker.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Chi and Heather (The Newly Weds)

There is more Explaining this Picture at the "Luv @ Home" Link to the right or you can Click Here.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Banana Man

Growing up!? ya right... we sing songs of fruit people...Samantha had a project to make a 30 second commercial for her class on an imaginary product. This is the result, a funny commercial for bananas. "You got to luv'em". this is an audio post - click to playclick here for Audio

This is Us

This is Samantha and I, now you can put a face to the commercial and blog. This is our Engagement photo.... We have now been happily married for 7 months.Click the link above in the Banana Man Blog...If you want to hear the banana jingle
